Saturday, December 21, 2019

School Uniforms And School Schools - 1715 Words

As the years pass, many students have been bullied, a bully, or they just hate school and this was affecting their lives academically. School boards tried to find a way to improve the way students feel about themselves and about school, and they came up with the idea of school uniforms. School uniforms have been associated with just the Catholic school, but are now showing up in public schools across the country. According to the National Center for Education Statistics: Indicators of School Crime and Safety, 2011, twenty-one states require students to wear uniforms in the public school system (Pros and Cons of School Uniforms Statistics). This has seemed to work tremendously in the school system. In education, school uniforms assist with student success, academically, socially, and personally. Before we move forward, let’s discuss the different solutions that can solve the issues we discussed and the weaknesses that go along with each. One way schools can solve the issue of academic issues is by having study groups or an after school study session for students who need assistance. An issue with this is that students may feel ashamed going in to receive help or may not take the time to get the support they may need. To aid in the prevention of bullying you can have teachers stand in the hall in-between classes; this is a marvelous idea, but they do not see everything. To help raise the students’ self-esteem you could offer more after school activities to help boost theShow MoreRelatedSchool Uniform And School Uniforms937 Words   |  4 PagesSchool Uniform School uniforms keep students focused on their education not in their clothings. When all students are wearing the same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look and how they fit in with their peers. It’s easier for parent and students do not spend time choosing appropriate outfit for school day. It helps students can only concentrate on their schoolwork. Education is one of the big institutions for every kid that go to school. Also education is the roots that will help peopleRead MoreSchool Uniforms And Schools Uniforms1211 Words   |  5 PagesSchool uniforms began their revolution in private schools; they represented a unique appearance, and provided a safe environment for the students attending. Private and Catholic schools were clever enough for implementing school uniforms, because without their influence public schools would have not adapted on creating a dress code for students. By introducing school uniforms in school policies they have managed to impact st udents learning environment in reducing stress, changing students’ behaviorRead MoreSchool Uniforms And Schools Uniforms819 Words   |  4 Pagesas school uniforms, many are quick to deem them as unjust and avoidable. What these individuals do not know is that, in fact, school uniforms would enhance how the learning environment functions. Surely, when schools provide their students with uniforms, they are not providing their students with dreadful apparel, they are providing their students with an opportunity to change; whether it be a chance for a student to change their role academically, or a chance for a student to fit in. School uniformsRead MoreThe Effects Of School Uniforms On Schools878 Words   |  4 PagesThe Effects of Uniforms in Schools When it comes to the debate on whether schools should enforce a uniform in school or not, there are two obvious sides: pro-uniform and against uniform. Both sides have their own facts to back up their stance on this topic, but ultimately schools are the ones to decide what type of clothes they will allow their students to wear. The purpose of school uniforms is simple: a way for all students of a particular school to be united under one similar dress. While thereRead MoreUniforms in School726 Words   |  3 PagesThe standard issue school uniform of khaki, navy and white once exclusive to the private parochial institutions is becoming a common requirement in public schools across the nation. This trend that was first suggested for public schools in 1980 by then D. C. mayor, Marion Barry, to help diminish the social stigma of low income students has grown significantly in both numbers and reasons (Lawrence, 2013). In 2010, it was reported by the National Center for Education Stati stics, that nearly 19% ofRead MoreSchool Uniforms And Public Schools2510 Words   |  11 Pages​ School uniforms in public schools may seem out of style to some student, but in many situation they can increase school spirit, class participation and student time Management. According to The American Humanist Magazine, in President Bill Clinton s 1996 State of the Union Address he requested that all 16,000 school districts to mandate a uniform guideline for its students. He stated that , If it means that juvenile will stop bloodshed each other over designer outfits of clothing brand, thenRead MoreSchools and Uniforms733 Words   |  3 PagesSchool Uniforms Uniforms in schools are a big debate around the world. Should we have uniforms in schools? The answer is yes because uniform help the schools. They bring to table a great deal of help because students are getting bullied, killed, and some may not have as much as other when shopping for clothes. Having uniforms bring safety to schools and what goes on after school. Why do we need uniforms? Most student have their own style, but a common argument against school uniforms is thatRead MoreSchool Uniform Is Not A Public School Tradition Essay1359 Words   |  6 PagesSchool uniform has been a rising issues throughout the country and the issue has been getting only bigger with the internet and social medial. School uniform was not a public school tradition but it was first famous among English charity schools in England. It was a blue coat like the one worn at christ’s hospital and it is known to be one of the earliest examples of school uniforms. They took â€Å"fatherless and poor children from the parish and educated them(Scott). After a while it became aRead MorePublic School Uniforms And Public Schools2077 Words   |  9 PagesPublic Schools Mandatory Uniforms The debate about public school uniforms in America is an issue that has been around for a very long time. This issue was even mentioned by President Bill Clinton in a previous State of the Union address in 1996. In his 1996 State of the Union Address, President Clinton decreed,† I challenge all of our schools to teach character education, to teach good values and good citizenship and if it means that teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets,Read MoreSchool Uniforms And The Success Of Public Schools1099 Words   |  5 Pages School uniforms are beneficial to students at all grade levels and can be a contributing factor in improving test scores, attendance and the graduation rate, while decreasing school violence and behavior issues. Research has proven significant connections between school uniforms and the success of public schools. In 1996 approximately three percent of all schools in the United States had a school uniform policy (Gentile Imberman, 2009 ) . In 2015 23% of schools reported a uniform policy (Statistic

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